Pelvic floor yoga

Intim jóga - Medical Center Hatvan, jóga Hatvan, intim jóga hatvan

What is pelvic floor yoga?

Pelvic floor yoga is a very simple, easy to do yoga practice that helps to eliminate and even prevent pelvic diseases and problems! This kind of yoga is not simply based on the principle of 'stretch and relax’ but looks at the whole body as a system and works on each muscle group, accordingly, complementing this with breathing exercises and relaxation.

Who is recommended to participate in an intimate yoga session?

  • Pregnant women who want to prepare for childbirth
  • Mothers who want to make their postnatal recovery more efficient and effective
  • Women who want to manage mild symptoms and/or improve their sex life
  • Women of menopausal age
  • Health-conscious women who want to keep their bodies energetic and flexible for a long time
  • Women who want to live more fully their femininity, increase their self-confidence and connect with themselves
  • Women who need rehabilitation after gynaecological, urological or proctological surgery

Take care of yourselves and take care of your perineal muscles!

Intim jóga - Medical Center Hatvan, jóga Hatvan, intim jóga hatvan

The exercises taught in a pelvic floor yoga class can improve:

  • Stress incontinence (when sneezing, coughing, or jumping, a few drops of urine are passed)
  • Urinary and faecal incontinence (urinary, faecal, wind retention difficulties, frequent urge to void, frequent urge to pee at night)
  • Haemorrhoidal disease, varices of the lower abdomen
  • Vaginal weakness
  • Menstrual cramps and infertility for women
  • Prostate disorders, lower abdominal complaints for men
  • Rehabilitation after gynaecological, urological and proctological operations
  • Gyermekágyi időszak során (a hüvelyi úton való szülés utáni regenerálódásban)
  • During the puerperal period (recovery after vaginal delivery)
  • Psychological difficulties related to femininity
  • Pelvic organ prolapse - bladder hernia, rectal hernia, uterine prolapse - it is essential to strengthen and maintain the pelvic floor.

Intim jóga - Medical Center Hatvan, jóga Hatvan, intim jóga hatvan

Pelvic floor yoga is very effective because conscious practice strengthens the gait muscles, improving endurance, speed, and control.

Az órán egyszerre maximum 6 fő tud részt venni.

Our Specialist:

Opolcsik Henrietta Krisztina
health visitor

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