Oral surgery

Szájsebészet - Medical Center Hatvan, szájsebészet Hatvan, szájsebész Hatvan

What is oral surgery?

Dental surgery is a special branch of dentistry that involves performing complex surgical procedures in the mouth. Common dental surgeries include tooth extractions and implants.

Oral surgery can offer many benefits to patients. It can help restore the function and appearance of the teeth and mouth and reduce pain and discomfort. Also, by improving the appearance of your teeth or face, you can boost your self-confidence as well. In addition to our general dentistry services, we also offer specialist implant dentistry. Our oral surgeon will be happy to meet your future patients after a preliminary consultation.

In addition to the two dental surgeries, our institution also has an oral surgery operating theatre, and a X-ray machine. Our doctors can now use one of the latest technologies, HyperionX9 Pro, to take not only panoramic X-rays, but also teleradiographs and head and neck CT scans for a more accurate diagnosis. This 3-in-1 imaging device allows each patient to have the examination that is right for them, without having to visit multiple healthcare facilities. The service can be used without the need to attend a local dental clinic. In the case of implantation, the cost of the CT scan will be deducted from the final amount after the implantation in our institution.

Egynapos sebészet - Medical Center Hatvan, egynapos sebészet hatvan, sebészet Hatvan, szájsebészet, szájsebészet Hatvan



An inflamed tooth is not only a local problem, but also affects the entire body. It is therefore very important to have your teeth checked regularly by a professional before it is too late. Contact us with confidence, where we will do everything possible to save your teeth! However, if you have no other choice, in our expert hands, tooth extraction is quick and safe.


Wisdom teeth are not a problem for everyone. It is not necessary to remove wisdom teeth if there is enough space for them in the oral cavity. If wisdom teeth do not have enough space in the gum, they can grow and put pressure on the adjacent teeth, causing crowding and other discomfort.
Thanks to today's modern dental procedures, it is now possible to surgically remove wisdom teeth painlessly. It is best if the wisdom tooth is removed when it is still asymptomatic and not inflamed. Therefore, we recommend that you visit us as soon as possible for a personal consultation.


If you are experiencing partial or total toothlessness for whatever reason, it is important to know that this can have significant long-term effects. Such consequences can include displacement of adjacent teeth, deterioration of chewing function, jaw joint difficulties and aesthetic problems. These problems can be remedied by tooth replacement methods such as bridges, removable dentures, or permanent tooth implants. The restorations made by our professionals are long-lasting and as lifelike as natural teeth.


A dental implant is an artificial root that is implanted in place of a tooth to replace a lost one. The dental implant is made of a biocompatible material that allows the bone tissue to not only accept the implant, but also to grow tightly against it. Once ossification has taken place, the implant can be further developed so that not only the root of the tooth but also the crown can be restored. The implantation procedure can also restore the function and aesthetic appearance of the missing tooth, making a dental implant restoration an ideal solution from both a chewing and aesthetic point of view.


All on 4 provides a complete tooth replacement solution without bone replacement, using four or six titanium implants to provide a fixed prosthesis.

With this method, chewing will be comfortable and safe, so you can eat and laugh without worrying that the implant will not move. This solution allows more taste sensation during eating thanks to the uncovered upper palate. In addition, it has the added benefit of eliminating the indentation of the cheekbones, which also rejuvenates the appearance of the face. It also makes life easier, as you don't have to take it out at night - or any other time - and there is no need for dental bonding, no gum chapping, and no nausea. We recommend the All on 6 solution when bone loss is so severe that there is insufficient bone left to place implants of the right size. In this case, the doctor uses smaller screws during the procedure, with two additional dental implants for stability. For the reasons just mentioned, we recommend that you choose All on 4 or All on 6 instead of the traditional full removable denture!


A dental bridge is a restoration that connects two dental crowns to each other, thus being able to replace one or more missing teeth. Crowns at either end of the bridge ensure its stability and support.

Szájsebészet - Medical Center Hatvan, szájsebészet Hatvan, szájsebész Hatvan

If there is not enough bone available for dental implants, bone replacement surgery may be necessary first


If you are afraid of dental treatments, our anaesthetic dentistry may be the best choice for you.


  • Wisdom tooth extraction
  • Implant placement
  • Complex root canal treatment
  • Oral surgery

If you wish to use any of our services with anaesthesia, you must consult our specialists beforehand. Prior to dental anaesthesia, our specialists will need the following findings:

  • Complete blood count: liver function, kidney function, sodium potassium levels, blood glucose, CRP protein
  • ECG

During the face-to-face appointment, you will be given more in-depth information about the procedures we use and information about anaesthesia dentistry.



First, the patient must attend a consultation. During the first consultation, the patient's teeth and skeleton are assessed by means of a dental assessment and a panoramic X-ray.

The patient is informed of the results of the first consultation and the options available to him/her. The recommendations are given to the patient in the form of a written treatment plan, which includes the most important details of the treatment: the exact price, the treatments needed and the duration of the whole process.

After the initial consultation, if the patient has any existing minor problems, these will be addressed first. This step is essential to prepare the bacteria-free environment that will contribute to a successful oral surgery.

After preparation, the desired service is performed. Thanks to our modern equipment and effective anaesthesia, the treatment is completely painless.

Visit us, as our team of experienced, qualified professionals and dentists offer a full range of dental services, from preventive to restorative treatments. We are committed to providing quality care and personalized attention to each and every patient. We place the utmost importance on making dental treatment as pleasant as possible for our patients.

Our institution's oral surgeon:

Dr. Vörös Richárd
oral surgeon

Therefore, please make an appointment for a specialist consultation first.

Request an appointment by e-mail

Check-in by phone


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    We would like to inform you that our online appointment booking system is temporarily unavailable this week due to technical issues. Besides online booking, you can still make appointments by phone or email. Call us at +36 37 999 650 or email us at informacio@mc60.hu.

    Véradás - Medical Center Hatvan

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    Ünnepi nyitvatartás - Medical Center Hatvan

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    A mai napon Intézményünk rendhagyó nyitvatartással, 7:00-15:00-ig várja Önöket!

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    Ünnapi nyitvatartás 2023. november 1. - Medical Center Hatvan

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    október 23. zárva tartás Medical Center Hatvan

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    Intézményünk a mai napon ZÁRVA tart. Március 18-tól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket sok szeretettel!