We are waiting for you at our institution on Saturday,  06.04.2024, at the usual opening hours. In addition to our baby cinema and laboratory services, we would like to offer you free screenings and workshops!

The following screenings are free of charge:

  • respiratory function tests
  • computerized foot examination
  • computerised blood glucose measurement
  • blood pressure measurement
  • dental health assessment + panoramic X-ray
  • 20-minute massage
  • chest X-ray

Staying healthy is more important than ever, so take the time to get screened! The development of many chronic diseases can be prevented by early detection.

Screenings are free of charge, but we would ask you to book in advance for any screening you would like to have!

In addition to free screenings, you will also be able to attend workshops, which are of course free of charge!

You can register for the following workshops:

09:00-10:00 Igar Orsolya: Nutritional advice for a long life (for 25 people)

10:10-11:10 Vasvári Viktória: Do you know what are the most important examinations during pregnancy?

The workshops are free of charge, but we would like to ask you to send us the title of the presentation you would like to attend to

If you cannot attend the workshop, please let us know at As the number of participants is limited, it is important that we can offer the places available to other applicants.

Of course, on this day, in addition to the free facilities, you will also have access to many of our usual services:

🩸Laboratory test

If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

March 18, 2024

Pünkösdhétfő - zárvatartás - Medical Center Hatvan
Dear Patients!
Our institution is closed today.
From tomorrow, we look forward to welcoming you at our usual opening hours!
Ünnepi nyitvatartás, 2024. május 1. - Medical Center Hatvan
Dear Patients!
Our institution is closed today.
Holnaptól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket sok szeretettel!
Medical Center Hatvan - újév

Dear Patients!
Intézményünk a mai napon zárva tart! 01.03-tól várjuk Önöket szeretettel a megszokott nyitvatartási időben.

Ünnepi nyitvatartás - Medical Center Hatvan

Dear Patients!
A mai napon Intézményünk rendhagyó nyitvatartással, 7:00-15:00-ig várja Önöket!

Medical Center Hatvan - karácsony

Dear Patients!
Intézményünk a mai napon zárva tart!
Online időpontfoglaló rendszerünk továbbra is elérhető.

Ünnapi nyitvatartás 2023. november 1. - Medical Center Hatvan

Dear Patients!
Intézményünk a mai nap zárva tart!
Holnaptól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket szeretettel!

október 23. zárva tartás Medical Center Hatvan

Dear Patients!
Intézményünk a mai nap zárva tart!
Holnaptól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket szeretettel!

Dear Patients!
Intézményünk 2024.03.29.-2024.04.01. között ZÁRVA tart!
Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket kíván az MC60 csapata!

Dear Patients!
Intézményünk a mai napon ZÁRVA tart. Március 18-tól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket sok szeretettel!