Internal medicine

belgyógyászat - Medical Center Hatvan, belgyógyász Hatvan, belgyógyász, belgyógyászat Hatvan

What is internal medicine?

Internal medicine is a broad, specialised field of medicine that involves many other specialities in the areas of treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation. Basically, it is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of pathological conditions in the internal organs, i.e. the abdominal cavity and the chest. In the case of uncertain symptoms, it is advisable to consult an internist, who will provide guidance on which specialised areas of internal medicine should be further investigated after the examination.

Specialized subfields of internal medicine:

  • Angiology: Diseases of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Endocrinology Disorders of the endocrine glands and their low or excessive function
  • Diseases of fluid and electrolyte balance: Dehydration, water retention, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium disorders, acidification, alkalinity
  • Gastroenterology: Diseases of the abdominal organs, stomach, and intestinal system
  • Hematology: Diseases of the hematopoietic system
  • Infectiology: Infectious diseases
  • Cardiology: Congenital and acquired diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Nephrology: Kidney diseases
  • Oncology: Tumour diseases
  • Pulmonology: Lung diseases
  • Rheumatology and Immunology: Joint and immune diseases

As internal medicine is a very complex field, it has grown into several specialised sub-fields. These specialisations focus on the exact organs and provide even more definite expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The specialisations listed above are used separately from the internal medicine examination, with the specialist referring the patient to the relevant specialist examination.

In the case of which complaints should you consult an internist?

In the event of sudden changes in your condition and any abnormal pain that cannot be clearly defined, you should see an internist immediately.

If any of the following complaints persist, you should see a specialist immediately.

  • Overweight, obesity or sudden weight gain
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss
  • Difficulty breathing, suffocation
  • Coughing, expectoration
  • Upper and lower respiratory complaints
  • Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
  • Abdominal and lower abdominal pain, cramps
  • Back pain
  • Intestinal inflammation, -pain and -spasm
  • Reflux, stomach pain, heartburn
  • Bloating, constant feeling of fullness
  • Vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation
  • Different stool colour (bloody or black)
  • Urinary hesitancy (drinking, less, more, different colour)
  • Headache, dizziness
  • Weakness, fatigue
  • Blood pressure fluctuation, high blood pressure
  • Bleeding
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Fever

belgyógyászat - Medical Center Hatvan, belgyógyász Hatvan, belgyógyász, belgyógyászat Hatvan

Our specialist:

Dr. Oláh Dóra
internal medicine specialist

Dr. Papp Violetta
internal medicine specialist,
candidate of endocrinology

Dr. Rákossy Wanda
internist, nephrologist

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Check-in by phone


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