Bemer therapy

Bemer terápia - Medical Center Hatvan, Bemer kezelés Hatvan, Bemer terápia Hatvan

What is Bemer therapy?

BEMER therapy is a physical vascular therapy that improves microcirculation. It uses a stimulation signal to accelerate the inappropriate movement of the smallest blood vessels and capillaries, while improving the nutrient supply to cells and tissues, and the speed of waste removal. The treatment supports white blood cell function, helps their rapid activation in infectious diseases, supports the effectiveness of medical treatment, stimulates regeneration processes.

The recommended frequency of treatment is at least 2-3 times a week, with more treatments required for therapeutic effectiveness. Each treatment is 30 minutes long and is always tailored to the individual, his/her complaints and/or problems.

Changing clothes is not necessary for the treatments, daytime (comfortable) clothing is appropriate.

In which cases is the therapy recommended?

  • For control: Positive effects on general well-being, health, and sleep for a higher quality of life.
  • For treatments: To support the immune system and activate the body's ability to heal itself by stimulating microcirculation /e.g. arthritis, back pain, peripheral vascular disease, polyneuropathy, torn ligaments, fractures, sprains, rheumatic diseases, stress, inflammations, colds, insomnia, fatigue, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, dermatological diseases/.
  • To improve performance: Mental capacity Sports performance

In which cases is the therapy not recommended?

  • During immunosuppressive therapy following organ transplantation
  • During immunosuppressive therapy following allogeneic cell transplantation or bone marrow or stem cell transplantation

Always discuss with your doctor if you have

  • A pacemaker
  • Fever of unclear origin
  • Severe heart rhythm disturbance
  • Severe psychosis
  • A condition with uncontrollable seizures (e.g. Epilepsy)
  • Long-term use of beta-receptor blockers
  • Long-term use of corticosteroids
  • Kumarin származékok tartós szedése

BEMER therapy has no known interactions with other anticoagulants such as ASA, non-steroidal antihypertensive drugs and other antihypertensive agents.

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