CT scan

CT vizsgálat, MR vizsgálat - Medical Center Hatvan

Thanks to our collaboration with Margit Medical Center, CT scans are now available for MC60 patients! This opportunity allows us to support our patients' healthcare with the most advanced diagnostic tools. We are delighted to count Margit Medical Center among our partners, where professional precision and high standards are ensured, just like at MC60.

At the Budapest clinic, state-of-the-art equipment and highly qualified professionals ensure accurate examinations and results. Thanks to our partnership, Margit Medical Center guarantees an appointment within 72 hours for all our patients. Since instant results are also available, you can receive a precise picture of your health status as soon as possible.

Margit Medical Center logó

What is a CT scan?

CT, or computed tomography, is a radiological procedure suitable for detecting, searching for, or ruling out diseases, as well as for assessing the body's condition. The CT machine creates anatomically accurate image series of the specific area of the body being examined using X-rays, and a radiologist evaluates the results. Computed tomography breaks down the examined body part into slices just a few millimetres thick, which are then mapped using X-rays. When the composition of a tissue changes, its ability to transmit radiation changes as well, making abnormalities clearly visible on the images. The examination is completely painless and typically takes only 10-20 minutes. Although the CT machine uses X-rays, it involves only minimal radiation exposure to the human body, so the diagnosis it provides far outweighs the exposure caused during the examination.

CT vizsgálat, MR vizsgálat - Medical Center Hatvan

What can be examined with CT?

  • Cardiovascular system
  • Spine
  • Abdominal and pelvic organs
  • Skull
  • Chest

  • Neck
  • Heart
  • Lungs
  • Limbs

When is a CT scan necessary?
  • If physical or other diagnostic tests (e.g., MRI, ultrasound, X-ray) did not provide a clear diagnosis
  • To detect inflammatory diseases
  • To assess the condition of the facial bones and nasal cavity
  • To diagnose or rule out neurological and skeletal diseases
  • In case of vascular narrowing or occlusion
  • To assess the condition of soft tissues and bones
  • After accidents or injuries
  • When there is suspicion of tumours or pathological changes in any part of the body
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of the applied therapy

When is the examination not possible?

  • Over 150 kg of body weight – in this case, consultation with the treating physician is required
  • In cases of hypothyroidism, a recent (within 3 months) endocrinological examination is recommended before the scan
  • During pregnancy – if you are pregnant or suspect pregnancy, always notify us in advance

Contrary to common misconceptions, CT scans can be safely performed even with a pacemaker!

CT vizsgálat, MR vizsgálat - Medical Center Hatvan
What CT scans are available at Margit Medical Center?
  • Facial bone CT
  • Targeted inner ear CT
  • Calcium score CT
  • Cardio CT
  • Spine CT
  • Skull CT

  • Chest CT
  • Cervical soft tissue CT
  • Targeted orbit CT
  • Targeted native sella CT
  • Full abdominal CT
  • Limb CT

Important information about CT scans

If you wish to book a CT scan appointment, you can do so in the following ways:

  1. In person at the MC60 reception
  2. With the help of the surgery coordinator
  3. By phone at +36 37 999 650
  4. By email at infomacio@mc60.hu

Payment for the examination must be made in person at the Margit Medical Center located at 1027 Budapest, Henger utca 2/b.

Request an appointment by e-mail

Check-in by phone


Contact us!

    telefonos időpontfoglalás - Medical Center Hatvan

    We would like to inform you that our online appointment booking system is temporarily unavailable this week due to technical issues. Besides online booking, you can still make appointments by phone or email. Call us at +36 37 999 650 or email us at informacio@mc60.hu.

    Véradás - Medical Center Hatvan

    A mai nap folyamán intézményünkben 15:00-18:00 óra között véradás lesz.

    Várjuk Önt is!
    Pünkösdhétfő - zárvatartás - Medical Center Hatvan
    Dear Patients!
    Our institution is closed today.
    From tomorrow, we look forward to welcoming you at our usual opening hours!
    Ünnepi nyitvatartás, 2024. május 1. - Medical Center Hatvan
    Dear Patients!
    Our institution is closed today.
    Holnaptól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket sok szeretettel!
    Medical Center Hatvan - újév

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk a mai napon zárva tart! 01.03-tól várjuk Önöket szeretettel a megszokott nyitvatartási időben.

    Ünnepi nyitvatartás - Medical Center Hatvan

    Dear Patients!
    A mai napon Intézményünk rendhagyó nyitvatartással, 7:00-15:00-ig várja Önöket!

    Medical Center Hatvan - karácsony

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk a mai napon zárva tart!
    Online időpontfoglaló rendszerünk továbbra is elérhető.

    Ünnapi nyitvatartás 2023. november 1. - Medical Center Hatvan

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk a mai nap zárva tart!
    Holnaptól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket szeretettel!

    október 23. zárva tartás Medical Center Hatvan

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk a mai nap zárva tart!
    Holnaptól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket szeretettel!

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk 2024.03.29.-2024.04.01. között ZÁRVA tart!
    Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket kíván az MC60 csapata!

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk a mai napon ZÁRVA tart. Március 18-tól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket sok szeretettel!