Occupational health

Foglalkozás egészségügy - Medical Center Hatvan, munkaköri alkalmassági vizsgálat, foglalkozás-egészségügyi vizsgálat, alkalmassági vizsgálat Hatvan

What is occupational health?

According to Government Decree 89/1995 and Act XCIII of 1993 on Occupational Health and Safety, the employer is obliged to provide occupational health care for all employees employed in the framework of organized employment (even in the case of 1 employee).

Every employer in Hungary has a legal duty and responsibility to maintain and improve the health of its employees. According to the law, a medical examination is required before starting work. Each worker may perform a job according to his or her state of health, i.e., only those jobs for which he or she is medically fit. The medical examination is financed by the employer and carried out by an occupational health specialist. The administration of necessary vaccinations is also part of the benefit.

Our company performs all the medical activities listed in Decree 27/1995 NM as part of the basic service, and we also fulfil the individual wishes of our contracting partners!

Types of occupational aptitude inquiry:

  • Preliminary occupational aptitude test
  • Periodic occupational aptitude test
  • Unscheduled occupational medical examination
  • Final examination

What is covered by occupational health?

  • Occupational aptitude test
    - Preliminary occupational aptitude test
    - Periodic occupational aptitude test
    - Unscheduled occupational medical examination
    - Final examination
  • Investigation of occupational diseases
  • Examining the health-damaging effects of work
  • Advice on the use of personal protective equipment
  • Counselling for employees on the sources of danger in working conditions
  • Carrying out or having screening tests that are due (e.g., lung screening)
  • Participation in the organization of workplace hazards, emergency medical care, the training of first aiders and the development of rehabilitation plans
  • Validation of employees' driver's licenses, including professional (group 2) licenses
Foglalkozás egészségügy - Medical Center Hatvan, munkaköri alkalmassági vizsgálat, foglalkozás-egészségügyi vizsgálat, alkalmassági vizsgálat Hatvan

In what cases should you contact our Institution's Specialist?

  • In case of an occupational aptitude test
  • For the issue of a medical record book
  • In case of a Driving license aptitude test
  • Suitability test required for the extension of a heavy machine operator's license
    (Important! Our specialist can only help with the extension, as the suitability for the first driver's license can only be issued by a specialist provider.)

The health of employees is also in the interest of the employer, as the healthier the employees are, the better they can perform the tasks assigned to them! You don't know how to ensure this for your subordinates, as an employer?

Our Specialist:

Dr. Balázs Nóra
occupational health specialist

Request an appointment by e-mail

Check-in by phone


Contact us!

    telefonos időpontfoglalás - Medical Center Hatvan

    We would like to inform you that our online appointment booking system is temporarily unavailable this week due to technical issues. Besides online booking, you can still make appointments by phone or email. Call us at +36 37 999 650 or email us at informacio@mc60.hu.

    Véradás - Medical Center Hatvan

    A mai nap folyamán intézményünkben 15:00-18:00 óra között véradás lesz.

    Várjuk Önt is!
    Pünkösdhétfő - zárvatartás - Medical Center Hatvan
    Dear Patients!
    Our institution is closed today.
    From tomorrow, we look forward to welcoming you at our usual opening hours!
    Ünnepi nyitvatartás, 2024. május 1. - Medical Center Hatvan
    Dear Patients!
    Our institution is closed today.
    Holnaptól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket sok szeretettel!
    Medical Center Hatvan - újév

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk a mai napon zárva tart! 01.03-tól várjuk Önöket szeretettel a megszokott nyitvatartási időben.

    Ünnepi nyitvatartás - Medical Center Hatvan

    Dear Patients!
    A mai napon Intézményünk rendhagyó nyitvatartással, 7:00-15:00-ig várja Önöket!

    Medical Center Hatvan - karácsony

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk a mai napon zárva tart!
    Online időpontfoglaló rendszerünk továbbra is elérhető.

    Ünnapi nyitvatartás 2023. november 1. - Medical Center Hatvan

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk a mai nap zárva tart!
    Holnaptól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket szeretettel!

    október 23. zárva tartás Medical Center Hatvan

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk a mai nap zárva tart!
    Holnaptól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket szeretettel!

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk 2024.03.29.-2024.04.01. között ZÁRVA tart!
    Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket kíván az MC60 csapata!

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk a mai napon ZÁRVA tart. Március 18-tól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket sok szeretettel!