certified health psychologist
Izbékiné Tóth Andrea studied at the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen. She has several years of professional experience in institutions, mainly in the social sector as a behaviour analyst, life coaching- and psychology counsellor, and as a volunteer.
Since childhood she has been interested in the psychological processes that govern human functioning. She has a sensitive and empathic approach to her environment and enjoys helping others in her daily life.
She is currently working in private practice in Gödöllő and Budapest and has joined the MC60 team.
We are delighted that Andrea is a Chartered Health Psychologist at our institution, as she works with a person-centred approach. She approaches her clients with unconditional acceptance and empathy. Her personality is characterised by determination and perseverance, and she carries out her work with humility, dedication, conscientiousness, and precision.
Lifelong professional development is a priority for her, and she is constantly seeking training opportunities that will help her achieve this. Consequently, she has attended several professional training courses over the years. The training courses have focused on bereavement, divorce, and health loss. She has also trained as a life coach, a methodology which focuses on finding the inner resources within the personality that facilitate change.
Main areas of expertise:
FRIDAY 14.00-20.00
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