nőgyógyászati intim plasztika, intim plasztika, nőgyógyászat, nőgyógyász, nőgyógyászat hatvan, magán nőgyógyász, nőgyógyászati kezelés, nőgyógyászati vizsgálat, nőgyógyászati vizsgálat Hatvan, magán nőgyógyászat hatvan - Medical Center Hatvan, orvosi rendelők hatvan, orvosi rendelő hatrvan, szakorvosi rendelő hatvan, hatvan orvosi rendelő, laborvizsgálat hatvan, fogorvos hatvan, fogászat hatvan, hatvan fogorvos, hatvan fogászat, fogszakorvos hatvan, fogász szakorvos hatvan, hatvani kórház, kórház hatvan, hatvan ultrahang, ultrahangos vizsgálat hatvan, ultrahang vizsgálat hatvan, nőgyógyász hatvan, nőgyógyászat hatvan, hatvan nőgyógyászat, nőgyógyász magánrendelés hatvan, szülész nőgyógyász hatvan, nőgyógyász szakorvos hatvan, synlab hatvan, sebészet hatvan, sebész hatvan, sebész orvos hatvan, sebész szakorvos hatvan, vérvétel hatvan

What is vaginal rejuvenation?

Today, more and more women are consulting their doctors to find solutions to aesthetic and functional problems (e.g. incontinence, urinary leakage after sneezing) caused by the loss of firmness (gradual loss of collagen fibres) and hydration that occur with age.

What can be the solution? The term "vaginal rejuvenation" is increasingly appearing as a concept.

In short, it refers to procedures to lubricate the vaginal canal and opening and increase hydration.

When the term "plastic surgery" is used, the already well-known aesthetic (cosmetic) cosmetic procedures come to mind. Of course, it also refers to the "aesthetic" treatment of intimate areas. However, in many cases it does not occur to us that the functionality of intimate areas is often not just an aesthetic problem.

What can cause a functional problem?

  • The number of smooth muscle cells in the bladder, rectum, sphincter involuntary part and vagina decreases with age, leading to a decrease in the tone of these organs. When pressure is put on an organ (e.g. the bladder becomes saturated with urine), it releases (urine dribbling) because of the pressure.
  • Unfortunately, the pressure on the tissues, the overstretching of the muscle fibre, reduces its ability to contract, which makes the problem worse.
  • Excessive stretching and thinning of the pelvic ligaments and joints lead to abnormal conditions of the supporting pelvic structures, often manifested by hypermobility, prolapse.
  • These processes are exacerbated by impaired micro- and macrocirculation (loss of vascular tone), pressure on blood vessels, and pelvic venous stasis, which adversely affects the blood supply to connective tissues.
  • As a result of hormonal changes and/or age-related osteoporosis, the pelvic bones, which have an important supporting function, become displaced and thinner. This leads to increased mobility of the pelvis.

In the case of which complaints should you consult a specialist?

  • Postpartum changes in the vagina and pelvis
  • Excessive loosening of the vaginal wall, which can (also) lead to a decrease in the quality of sex life - "loose vagina syndrome"
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Gas, faecal incontinence
  • Pathological conditions have been established but open surgery is contraindicated
nőgyógyászati intim plasztika, intim plasztika, nőgyógyászat, nőgyógyász, nőgyógyászat hatvan, magán nőgyógyász, nőgyógyászati kezelés, nőgyógyászati vizsgálat, nőgyógyászati vizsgálat Hatvan, magán nőgyógyászat hatvan - Medical Center Hatvan, orvosi rendelők hatvan, orvosi rendelő hatrvan, szakorvosi rendelő hatvan, hatvan orvosi rendelő, laborvizsgálat hatvan, fogorvos hatvan, fogászat hatvan, hatvan fogorvos, hatvan fogászat, fogszakorvos hatvan, fogász szakorvos hatvan, hatvani kórház, kórház hatvan, hatvan ultrahang, ultrahangos vizsgálat hatvan, ultrahang vizsgálat hatvan, nőgyógyász hatvan, nőgyógyászat hatvan, hatvan nőgyógyászat, nőgyógyász magánrendelés hatvan, szülész nőgyógyász hatvan, nőgyógyász szakorvos hatvan, synlab hatvan, sebészet hatvan, sebész hatvan, sebész orvos hatvan, sebész szakorvos hatvan, vérvétel hatvan

What is a thread lift?

The good news is that interventions are now available that offer an "outpatient" solution.

One such technique is the "Thread Lift", which works as follows: „Fonalemelés”, melynek hatásmechanizmusa a következő:

  • The retracted "thread" is a mechanical support against the forces of gravity
  • Intracellular matrix contributes to the formation of collagen and elastin
  • Stimulates the production of its own hyaluronic acid
  • Restores contractile activity by preventing overstretching of smooth muscle fibres

The expected effects of the "thread lift":

  • Improvement of emotional state, aesthetic appeal
  • Improvement in sexual function
  • Improvement in skin and mucous membrane condition: increase in collagen and elastin production, increase in hyaluronic acid production, restoration of smooth muscle cell contractility
  • Raising the vaginal wall, narrowing the vaginal opening
  • Lifting of the pubic area, increase in volume
  • Smoothing of fine wrinkles, slight fading of pigment spots
  • Treatment of functional age-related changes

When is the "thread lift" contraindicated?

  • In the active phase of inflammatory diseases
  • In the acute phase of chronic pelvic disease (e.g. cystitis)
  • All sexually transmitted and sexually transmitted diseases
  • Systemic connective tissue disease
  • Postpartum period up to 1 year
  • 4-5 days before and during menstruation

The following intimate aesthetic procedures are available in our institution:

  • "Narrow" Package: vaginal tightening package
  • PERINEAL package
  • "Sexual Life Settlement" package
  • "Incontinence" package

Book an appointment for your first intimate plastic surgery consultation today and get 50% off!

Our Specialist:

Dr. Végh György,
obstetrician-gynecologist, clinical oncologist, menopause specialist

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