Diagnostic X-ray

Röntgendiagnosztika - Medical Center Hatvan, röntgendiagnosztika Hatvan, röntgen Hatvan, röntgenfelvételek Hatvan, Arckoponya röntgen, Borda röntgenfelvétel, Kulcscsont röntgenfelvétel, Combcsont röntgenfelvétel, Csípő röntgenfelvétel, Gerinc röntgenfelvétel

What is diagnostic X-ray?

X-ray is one of the oldest imaging diagnostic test that is routinely used today. During the process, we can take an image of the areas in question from different directions with the help of X-rays. The method is mostly used to examine bones, joints, and lungs. With the help of X-ray diagnostics, we can also get an idea of possible bone fractures, inflammations, lung changes and degenerative spinal changes.

Our institution awaits its patients with one of the latest technological devices, the Perform-X Classical! The machine that provides modern, digitized X-ray images is not only quickly, but also takes the images with a significantly lower dose of radiation, thus less strain on the body. In addition, the high image quality helps the work of our specialists so that they can easily and quickly establish a diagnosis for our patients.

What types of X-rays do we take?

In justified cases, it is also possible to make multi-directional X-rays (1/2/3) at our clinic!

  • General X-ray
  • Skull X-ray (sinus)
  • Ribs X-ray
  • Clavicle X-ray
  • Femur X-ray
  • Hip X-ray
  • Spine X-ray
    • Lumbar spine
    • Lumbar-sacral transition spine
    • Dittmar comparative image (spine in several regions)
    • Dorsal spine
    • Cervical spine
    • Full spine (also for children)
  • Stomach X-ray with absorbable or traditional contrast material
  • Abdominal X-ray
    • Abdomen, kidney, and bladder native X-ray
  • Skull X-ray
  • Pelvis X-ray
  • Chest X-ray (also for children)
  • Oesophageal examination
  • Sacrum and coccyx X-ray
  • X-ray of each body region
    • 1 view
    • 2 view
    • 3 view, 3 exposure comparison shots
  • Knee X-ray
  • Trachea airway X-ray
  • Shoulder X-ray
  • Extremity X-ray
    • Upper arm
    • Forearm
    • Wrist
    • Hand
    • Finger
    • Foot
    • Ankle
    • Heel bone
    • Complete lower limb
  • Small intestine passage examination

Important! We do not undertake the examination in case of pregnancy or suspicion of pregnancy, or if the body weight is over 200 kg!

Our specialists:

Dr. Fekete Márton
candidate for radiologist

Dr. Hüttner Gábor
candidate for radiologist

Request an appointment by e-mail

Check-in by phone


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    We would like to inform you that our online appointment booking system is temporarily unavailable this week due to technical issues. Besides online booking, you can still make appointments by phone or email. Call us at +36 37 999 650 or email us at informacio@mc60.hu.

    Véradás - Medical Center Hatvan

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    A mai napon Intézményünk rendhagyó nyitvatartással, 7:00-15:00-ig várja Önöket!

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    Ünnapi nyitvatartás 2023. november 1. - Medical Center Hatvan

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    október 23. zárva tartás Medical Center Hatvan

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    Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket kíván az MC60 csapata!

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    Intézményünk a mai napon ZÁRVA tart. Március 18-tól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket sok szeretettel!