
Diabetoliógia - Medical Center Hatvan, vércukor mérés, cukorbetegség vizsgálat

What is diabetology?

Diabetology is the medical discipline that deals with the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body and the prevention and treatment of diabetes. A specialist diabetologist assesses the risk factors for diabetes in cases of insulin resistance or suspected diabetes. Then, after general internal medicine tests, the diabetology outpatient clinic is where therapy is determined, blood glucose levels are adjusted and then monitored continuously.

What are the types of diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas and causes insulin deficiency. The body's upset blood sugar levels cannot be reversed but can be corrected with the right treatment.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is also known as insulin resistance. In this condition, the insulin produced by the body cannot keep blood sugar levels in balance. However, the condition can be improved with regular blood glucose monitoring, exercise, and diet. In some cases, medication and insulin therapy may be justified.

Gestational diabetes

Diabetes during pregnancy is very common. So-called gestational diabetes is caused by hormonal changes in the pregnant woman's body. The condition is usually only present during pregnancy. It needs to be treated with a strict diet and occasional insulin therapy.

Rare forms of diabetes

Rare forms of diabetes include so-called monogenic diabetes and pancreatogenic diabetes. The former may be caused by a rare genetic condition and the latter may develop as a complication of other diseases. Both types of diabetes can usually be treated with insulin therapy.

Diabetoliógia - Medical Center Hatvan, vércukor mérés, cukorbetegség vizsgálat

In which case should you consult a diabetologist?

  • Suspected diabetes - fatigue, visual disturbances, persistent thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, numb limbs, recurrent fungal infections, slow healing wounds
  • Family history of diabetes, suspected complications, investigation
  • In case of established, known diabetes for blood sugar adjustment and control
  • For screening in people over 45
  • For screening purposes for persons under 45 years of age who:
    – Have high blood pressure and elevated blood fat levels
    – Have a body mass index above 25
  • High blood sugar during pregnancy

Our Institution’s diabetologist:

Dr. Gyöngy Andrea

Request an appointment by e-mail

Check-in by phone


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    telefonos időpontfoglalás - Medical Center Hatvan

    We would like to inform you that our online appointment booking system is temporarily unavailable this week due to technical issues. Besides online booking, you can still make appointments by phone or email. Call us at +36 37 999 650 or email us at informacio@mc60.hu.

    Véradás - Medical Center Hatvan

    A mai nap folyamán intézményünkben 15:00-18:00 óra között véradás lesz.

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    From tomorrow, we look forward to welcoming you at our usual opening hours!
    Ünnepi nyitvatartás, 2024. május 1. - Medical Center Hatvan
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    Holnaptól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket sok szeretettel!
    Medical Center Hatvan - újév

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    Intézményünk a mai napon zárva tart! 01.03-tól várjuk Önöket szeretettel a megszokott nyitvatartási időben.

    Ünnepi nyitvatartás - Medical Center Hatvan

    Dear Patients!
    A mai napon Intézményünk rendhagyó nyitvatartással, 7:00-15:00-ig várja Önöket!

    Medical Center Hatvan - karácsony

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    Ünnapi nyitvatartás 2023. november 1. - Medical Center Hatvan

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    Intézményünk a mai nap zárva tart!
    Holnaptól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket szeretettel!

    október 23. zárva tartás Medical Center Hatvan

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    Intézményünk a mai nap zárva tart!
    Holnaptól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket szeretettel!

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk 2024.03.29.-2024.04.01. között ZÁRVA tart!
    Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket kíván az MC60 csapata!

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk a mai napon ZÁRVA tart. Március 18-tól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket sok szeretettel!