Health psychology

Egészségpszichológia - Medical Center Hatvan, egészségpszichológia Hatvan, egészségpszichológia Hatvanban, egészségpszichológia rendelés, egészségpszichológus Hatvan, egészségpszichológus

What is health psychology?

Health psychology is the educational, scientific, and professional contribution of psychology in the areas of health preservation and maintenance, disease prevention and treatment, and determining the cause-and-effect relationships of health, disease, and dysfunction.

Thanks to the relevant knowledge of the health and psychological sciences, as well as the related methodological and practical skills, the health psychologist helps all clients to overcome negative health behaviours. In addition, as a competent professional in the field of mental health development and health rehabilitation is also suitable for the tasks arising in connection with the areas just mentioned. The health psychologist of our institution can help those who have encountered a difficulty or problem that they do not see a way out of. Everyone has internal resources that can be mobilized to find a way to resolve the problem. During the joint work, our specialist provides support in an empathetic, trusting, and safe atmosphere. She helps people to find their resources and to live their daily lives in a more balanced way.

In which cases is it worth contacting a health psychologist?

  • You do not see a solution to the problems you face in your daily life, you do not see a way out.
  • You feel out of balance and that this is having a negative impact on your life.
  • You are stuck but don't know why, you want to change but feel you can't.
  • Doesn't know where to start or how to move on from a situation.
  • You have deeper self-awareness issues and want to understand yourself, your functioning and decisions.
  • You are in a conflict in your interpersonal relationships that seems unresolved.
  • You feel confronted with a loss that you cannot cope with without help.
  • You are in a sudden, unexpected crisis.
  • You are unable to get over a break-up or divorce.
  • You have a chronic illness that you need help to cope with.
  • You are searching for the psychological background of your illness.
  • You are caring for an injured, sick child or relative and left to cope alone with difficulties without support.
  • You are unmotivated in your daily work, have lost your former enthusiasm and experiencing negative changes in your attitude.
Egészségpszichológia - Medical Center Hatvan, egészségpszichológia Hatvan, egészségpszichológia Hatvanban, egészségpszichológia rendelés, egészségpszichológus Hatvan, egészségpszichológus

Our Specialist:

Izbékiné Tóth Andrea
certified health psychologist

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    Ünnepi nyitvatartás, 2024. május 1. - Medical Center Hatvan
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    Intézményünk a mai napon zárva tart! 01.03-tól várjuk Önöket szeretettel a megszokott nyitvatartási időben.

    Ünnepi nyitvatartás - Medical Center Hatvan

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    A mai napon Intézményünk rendhagyó nyitvatartással, 7:00-15:00-ig várja Önöket!

    Medical Center Hatvan - karácsony

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    Ünnapi nyitvatartás 2023. november 1. - Medical Center Hatvan

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    október 23. zárva tartás Medical Center Hatvan

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    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk 2024.03.29.-2024.04.01. között ZÁRVA tart!
    Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket kíván az MC60 csapata!

    Dear Patients!
    Intézményünk a mai napon ZÁRVA tart. Március 18-tól a megszokott nyitvatartással várjuk Önöket sok szeretettel!