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What does cardiology do?

The aim of cardiology or heart medicine, is to prevent diseases of the heart and vascular system, as well as the detection and treatment of existing disorders. For this reason, cardiology is primarily concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of the heart.

Prevention is extremely important! Therefore, to reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack, we recommend periodic complete cardiac assessments.

In the case of which should you consult a cardiologist?

  • Diabetes, hormonal disorders
  • Swollen lower limbs 
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Unhealthy lifestyle, significant overweight
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Chest pain
  • Heavy breathing, shortness of breath
  • Regular headaches, dizziness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Rapid, high heart rate
  • Numbness in the arm
Kardiológia - Medical Center Hatvan, kardiológus, kardiológia, kardiológia Hatvan, kardiológus Hatvan

What diseases does cardiology diagnose and treat?

  • Valve defects, valve insufficiency
  • Coronary artery disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart failure
  • Heart rhythm disorders
  • Congenital heart disease

How does a cardiology test work?

The cardiology examination begins with a comprehensive medical history. This is followed by taking the patient's pulse and blood pressure, and a full-body examination. During the examination, the specialist may order further specific tests to make a thorough diagnosis.



The ECG, also known as electrocardiography, allows the specialist to assess the condition of the heart. The resting ECG is one of the basic tests in cardiology. It is completely painless and has no side effects.

Heart ultrasound

During a heart ultrasound, a moving image of the heart is created using an imaging method. This allows the examination of the heart chambers, the walls surrounding them, the valves, and the pericardium. The doctor will determine the exact condition of the heart, its size, and any possible abnormalities. A heart ultrasound provides the most accurate picture of the heart's current condition. The examination is completely painless and does not involve any radiation exposure.

Stress ECG

During a stress ECG, a blood pressure monitor is placed on the patient's arm and electrodes are placed on the body. During the test, the patient is made to ride a bicycle, which allows the specialist to observe how the heart responds to physical stress.

Holter – 24-hour ECG monitoring

In some cases, it is necessary for a small ECG device to record the electrical signals from the heart for 24 – or even more reliably, 72 – hours. During the examination, it is important for the patient to keep a diary in which they record any complaints, observed rhythm disturbances, or chest pain. During the 24-72 hours of the examination, you can continue your normal daily activities and work.

ABMP – 24-hour blood pressure monitoring

During ABMP, like the Holter test, the patient is fitted with a device that automatically measures and records the patient's blood pressure at regular intervals over 24 hours. The measurement is taken every 15 minutes during the day and every 30 minutes at night. The device must not be removed or exposed to water for 24 hours. During the examination, the patient must keep a diary, at the request of the specialist, in which he or she records any unexpected sickness, malaise, etc... He or she can continue with his or her normal daily activities for 24 hours during the examination.

Our institution’s cardiologist:

Dr. Metz Edit Mária
chief cardiologist

Request an appointment by e-mail

Check-in by phone


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