
Proktológia - MC60, proktológus, proktológia, proktológus Hatvan, proktológia Hatvan, proktológia szakorvos, proktológus szakorvos Hatvan

What does proctology do?

Proctology is a specialized branch of general surgery that deals with diseases of the rectum, anus, and lower colon. The focus of the specialty is on the diagnostics of the rectum (e.g., physical examinations, endoscopic examinations, imaging procedures), its treatment (e.g., pharmacological, minimally invasive, or surgical solutions), and the prevention of diseases.

The proctologist performs examinations, recommends further examinations, sets up a treatment plan, and helps relieve unpleasant symptoms such as pain, bleeding, or itching. Most rectal diseases are cured with medications, suppositories, ointments, and other treatments. In some cases, treatment may involve surgery, which is also indicated and performed by the proctologist surgeon.

Most treated diseases:

  • Haemorrhoids – Haemorrhoids are dilated veins in the rectum and anus that can cause pain, itching and even bleeding.
  • Rectal fissure – A painful, longitudinal tear in the lining of the anus that can cause sharp pain, bleeding and a burning sensation during bowel movements.
  • Rectal abscess and fistula – A rectal abscess is a collection of pus around the anus, while a fistula is a pathological passage that develops between the rectum and the skin. Both conditions are characterized by pain, swelling, redness and a fever.
  • Anal itching – Anal itching is usually caused by irritation or infection and can be accompanied by constant or intermittent itching and redness.
  • Rectal cancer – A malignant tumour that develops in the rectal area and can cause bleeding, pain, changes in stool, and weight loss.
  • Anal warts – Small, painless, benign growths around the anus caused by HPV that can rarely be itchy or bleed.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) – These include Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, which can affect the rectal area, causing pain, bloody diarrhea, fistulas, or even abscesses.
  • Prolapse (rectal prolapse) – A protrusion of the rectum or rectal mucosa through the anus can cause faecal incontinence and discomfort and must be treated with surgical correction.
  • Faecal incontinence – Faecal incontinence is the inability to hold in stool, which occurs due to weakness of the anal sphincter, causing the patient to have uncontrollable bowel.

When should you see a proctologist?

  1. Rectal pain – Constant or intermittent pain around the anus, which may occur during bowel movements or at rest.
  2. Bleeding from the anus – Bright red or darker blood during bowel movements, on the toilet paper, or in the toilet.
  3. Itching or irritation – Persistent itching, burning, or redness around the anus that does not go away.
  4. Swelling or lump around the anus – A noticeable lump or swelling that may be painful, such as in the case of haemorrhoids or an abscess.
  5. Rectal discharge – Purulent, mucous, or bloody discharge, which often indicates an infection, fistula, or inflammatory bowel disease.
  6. Bowel problems – Constipation, painful bowel movements, or faecal incontinence (uncontrolled bowel movements).
  7. Visible changes or growths – For example, anal warts or growths, which could be signs of HPV or another condition.
  8. Change in bowel habits – Sudden, persistent diarrhea, constipation, or a change in the shape of your stool (e.g., pencil-thin stools).
  9. General pain around the anus – Pain or discomfort when sitting.
  10. Rectal prolapse – When the lining of the rectum or part of the rectum protrudes through the anus.
  11. Suspected cancer – Recurrent bleeding, weight loss, fatigue, or other symptoms suggestive of cancer.

Proktológia - Medical Center Hatvan, proktológus, proktológia, proktológus Hatvan, proktológia Hatvan, proktológia szakorvos, proktológus szakorvos Hatvan

It is recommended to seek medical attention for any suspicious symptoms, especially if they persist or worsen. Early diagnosis and timely treatment can help prevent more serious complications.

What proctological services are available in MC60?
  • Proctological examination – with anoscopy
  • Proctological examination – with anoscopy and outpatient intervention
What do these mean exactly?
  1. Proctological examination in addition to the necessary general examination and abdominal examination – means an examination of the rectum. Visual, palpable examination, palpation of the rectum with a finger, and anoscopy.
  2. Anoscopy – means the introduction of a special instrument into the rectum, through which the last 8-10 cm of the rectum becomes visible during the examination. Pathologies can be recognized, and minor outpatient interventions can be performed (e.g. injection, haemorrhoid ringing, sampling, removal of small polyps, warts, etc.) with or without an anoscope.

Proctological examination and anoscopy are unpleasant examinations, but they can be performed painlessly. Some of the interventions can also be performed under local anaesthesia.

Our institution's proctologist:

Dr. Kathy Sándor
surgeon, chief gastroenterologist, proctologist

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