Diastasis recti exercise

Szétnyílt hasizom torna - Medical Center Hatvan

What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis recti is often considered a problem mainly affecting women who have given birth, but it can actually occur in any condition that involves prolonged increased intra-abdominal pressure. Unfortunately, it does not resolve on its own and, beyond the aesthetic issue, can lead to many subsequent disorders and complaints such as:

Szétnyílt hasizom torna - Medical Center Hatvan
  • protruding abdomen,
  • lower back pain,
  • upper back pain,
  • knee and hip pain,
  • pelvic floor dysfunction,
  • uterine or bladder prolapse,
  • umbilical hernia,
  • spinal hernia, etc.

The issue of diastasis recti affects many people and encompasses a wide range of symptoms. The treatment of diastasis recti depends on the severity of the separation and may take time, but it can be safely rehabilitated with specialized, effective, and personalized exercises.

What is Diastasis Recti Exercise?

LoveYourBelly, or diastasis recti exercise, is a lifelong program whose primary goal is to close the abdominal wall injury and eliminate complaints. Our specialist will also teach you how to function with your body during everyday routines and sports, what to pay attention to in daily life, and how to prevent the problem from possibly recurring.

Thanks to LYB exercises, you can have a flat stomach and a well-supported core again!

Szétnyílt hasizom torna - Medical Center Hatvan

How is the LoveYourBelly Program Structured?

LoveYourBelly, Szétnyílt hasizom torna - Medical Center Hatvan
Szétnyílt hasizom torna - Medical Center Hatvan

Exercises are personalized based on an initial examination and anamnesis. Recovery takes place under continuous supervision, instructions, and corrections, which are crucial for the correct execution of the exercises. This is the prerequisite for effective training. Session by session, the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor and core (trunk-supporting) muscle groups are strengthened more and more. We regenerate the separated abdominal muscles until they eventually close.

After the initial 45-minute examination, you can participate in individual or group sessions, which are 60 minutes each. The recommended frequency of participation is customized by our specialist, who informs patients about the minimum number of sessions tailored to their needs during the initial examination. Additionally, our specialist provides a 20-minute personalized exercise routine for home practice and tips to aid in recovery.

Who Should Participate in the LoveYourBelly Program?

Strengthening the abdominal muscles with proper LYB exercises is important even during preparation for pregnancy and is especially recommended for expectant mothers. Research shows that those who enter childbirth with a regenerated abdomen – whether it is a caesarean or vaginal birth – experience significantly less abdominal muscle separation and a much faster recovery. Not least, they also cope better with the physical challenges of the first months with their baby. Furthermore, the often-appearing back and lower back pain during this period also bypasses them.

However, it is important to note that diastasis recti exercises are not only recommended for expectant mothers but also for those whose condition has arisen for other reasons! The condition of the abdomen can improve even years later, so it can help both those who have already given birth and those with the listed symptoms.

The class can be attended by up to 6 people at a time. To book an appointment, please email or call the reception!

Our Specialist:

Opolcsik Henrietta Krisztina
health visitor

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