Antenatal care consultation

várandósgondozási konzultáció - Medical Center Hatvan, várandósgondozás Hatvan

What is an antenatal care consultation?

Antenatal care consultations are an integral part of the regular monitoring of pregnancy and foetal development.

The aim of antenatal care is to safeguard the health of the expectant woman, to promote the healthy development and healthy delivery of the foetus, to prevent risks and complications and to detect them in good time, and to prepare for childbirth, early bonding, breastfeeding, and infant care.

During the antenatal care, the nurse monitors whether the mother is receiving regular specialist care, provides information on the examinations due and monitors whether the mother is attending the compulsory screening tests and whether the results are included in her care book. It also informs the mother about laboratory screening tests and other special tests (e.g. babyscreen) that are not compulsory but recommended and recommended for the detection of several conditions.

Advice from the midwife covers healthy lifestyle, diet, daily routine, lifestyle, personal hygiene, clothing, physical and mental changes, rest, exercise, and other recreational activities (e.g. maternity massage, pelvic floor yoga).

How is a consultation structured?

  • Medical history - previous pregnancies, possible operations, illnesses, problems, and family history
  • Outline of the course of care for the expectant mother
  • Informing the mother about the physiological changes during pregnancy, fetal development, growth, life-style advice and answering any questions she may have
  • Advice on physical and psychological changes
  • Information on the rights and obligations of expectant mothers, family support and social benefits
  • Discussion of the relationship between pregnancy and working conditions, social benefits
  • Exploring, if necessary, the consequences of harmful addictions (smoking, alcohol, drugs) for the pregnancy and the foetus
  • Preparation for motherhood, discussion of childbirth, baby care and successful breastfeeding and its possible problems, even during pregnancy
  • Monitoring the development of the pregnancy and the foetus, regular check-ups, and physical examinations at all times:

– Checking body weight, blood pressure and pulse
– Urine tests
– Monitoring the condition of the skin, lower limbs, and breasts
– From the 20th week onwards, listening to the baby's heartbeat, external palpation of the abdomen, measurement of the symphysis fundus distance
– Listening to possible complaints, suggesting solutions, and referring to the appropriate specialist if necessary


várandósgondozási konzultáció - Medical Center Hatvan, várandósgondozás Hatvan

This care does not replace the 4 obligatory visits to the district health visitor during pregnancy, but it can supplement and support the expectant mother's needs with a wide range of knowledge and information!

The aim of our midwife is to ensure that all mothers who come to her receive high-quality midwife care so that they can have a perfect and wonderful pregnancy from start to finish.

Our Specialist:

Opolcsik Henrietta Krisztina
health visitor

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