
Egynapos sebészeti kisműtétek - Medical Center Hatvan

What does surgery deal with?

Surgery is the branch of medicine that deals with surgical procedures for diagnosing and treating diseases, injuries, and abnormalities. In addition to performing surgeries, it also involves the investigation of related medical conditions and their treatment with medication or other non-surgical methods. Surgical interventions aim to cure or alleviate diseases and may also serve diagnostic, preventive, or reconstructive purposes.

During surgical specialization, several branches of surgery have developed, including general surgery, vascular surgery, musculoskeletal surgery, hand surgery, orthopaedics, plastic surgery, thoracic surgery, etc. Additionally, other medical specialties, such as gynaecology, urology, neurosurgery, and oral surgery , also perform surgical interventions.

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Egynapos sebészeti kisműtétek - Medical Center Hatvan

What surgeries do our specialists perform?

Haemorrhoid surgery

Haemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins located around the anus or in the lower rectum. Common causes include constipation, prolonged sitting, pregnancy, obesity, and excessive straining during bowel movements. Haemorrhoid surgery is performed in severe cases when other treatments, such as medication or non-surgical procedures, prove ineffective. Following the doctor's instructions before and after the surgery, including preparation and post-operative care, is essential.

Removal of skin lesions
  • Mole removal A mole is a benign skin lesion composed of pigment cells. Reasons for removal include changes in its appearance (e.g., asymmetry, growth, colour changes), vulnerability to injury due to its location, or signs of malignancy. Mole removal is a simple and safe surgical procedure.
  • Lipoma removal A lipoma is a benign tumour made of fatty tissue typically located under the skin. While often asymptomatic, removal may be necessary depending on its size, location, or aesthetic concerns. Lipoma removal is also a straightforward and safe surgical procedure.
Dermoid cyst removal

A dermoid cyst is a benign (non-cancerous) growth resembling a small sac containing fat, hair, skin cells, or other tissues. It commonly develops on the ovaries or beneath the skin but can occur in other areas. Surgical removal aims to extract the cyst entirely.

Fibroadenoma excision

Fibroadenoma is the most common benign lump found in the breast, usually occurring in young women. Although it is non-cancerous, removal may be recommended if the lump grows, causes discomfort, or raises diagnostic concerns. The excision is a safe surgical procedure aimed at removing the lump with minimal risk.

Fissure surgery

Fissure surgery treats anal fissures, painful tears in the anus often caused by constipation or strained bowel movements. If conservative treatments (e.g., dietary changes, medication, topical creams) are ineffective, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Fistula surgery

A rectal fistula is an abnormal tunnel connecting the rectum to the surrounding skin, often caused by infection, abscess, inflammatory bowel disease, or trauma. Surgery aims to close the fistula, promote healing, and prevent complications. The procedure may include the insertion of a seton, a silicone or surgical thread, to keep the fistula open, prevent infection, and prepare the area for definitive surgical treatment.

Laparoscopic gallstone surgery (cholecystectomy)

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a common, minimally invasive procedure to remove the gallbladder. It is performed to address gallstones, gallbladder inflammation, or other related issues. This safe and effective method provides long-term solutions to gallbladder problems.

Laparoscopic abdominal hernia surgery with mesh

This minimally invasive procedure treats abdominal hernias using small incisions. The technique offers faster recovery and less pain compared to open surgery. Mesh is inserted to reinforce the abdominal wall and prevent hernia recurrence.

Laparoscopic umbilical hernia surgery with mesh

Laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair is a safe, minimally invasive procedure to treat hernias around the navel. Mesh is used to strengthen the abdominal wall, providing long-term solutions and preventing recurrence.

Laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery (unilateral or bilateral) with mesh

This technique involves small incisions for hernia repair and is less painful with quicker recovery than open surgery. Unilateral surgery treats hernias on one side, while bilateral surgery addresses both sides simultaneously. Mesh is used to reinforce the abdominal wall and prevent recurrence.

Lymph node removal from the groin

Groin lymph node removal is performed for medical reasons such as biopsies, tumour spread evaluation, infection treatment, or diagnosing other pathological conditions. After surgery, following medical advice ensures a smooth recovery.

Open abdominal hernia surgery (small, medium, or large) with mesh

Open abdominal hernia repair involves a larger incision to access and repair the hernia. Depending on its size and type, mesh is often used to strengthen the abdominal wall and prevent recurrence.

Open umbilical hernia surgery with mesh

This procedure involves an open incision near the navel to repair the hernia. The aim is to reposition the hernia sac and reinforce the opening with a synthetic mesh for a durable repair.

Open inguinal hernia surgery (unilateral or bilateral) with mesh

Open inguinal hernia repair involves returning the hernia sac to the abdominal cavity and reinforcing the opening with mesh. This procedure effectively treats hernias, whether on one side (unilateral) or both sides (bilateral).

Thyroid resection (unilateral or bilateral) with histology

Thyroid resection involves the partial or total removal of the thyroid gland to treat thyroid disorders. Histological examination helps refine the diagnosis and guide further treatment. Recovery requires careful medical follow-up and wound care.

Hiatal hernia surgery

This surgery addresses hernias that allow abdominal organs, such as the stomach, to move into the chest cavity through the diaphragm. It is performed when conservative treatments, like medication or lifestyle changes, are ineffective. Both open and laparoscopic approaches aim to repair the hernia and prevent complications.

Rectal polyp removal

Rectal polyps are benign growths in the rectal lining that may require removal due to their potential to become cancerous. Surgery is indicated if the polyp grows, shows suspicious changes, or causes symptoms such as bleeding or discomfort.

For any surgery, prior consultation is mandatory.

Our surgeon:

Dr. Kathy Sándor
surgeon, chief gastroenterologist, proctologist

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Check-in by phone

+36 37 999 650


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